
Redmon Borinez here, the founder of Creator Mindset.

We have a chunky newsletter this week, ready for you to consume. We'll be addressing the master framework that will help aid your content creation, whether you are on YouTube or Instagram, this framework will work anywhere.

Enjoy, and thank you for reading.


Have you heard of the three H's before?

Hero, Hub, and Help is a framework for your channel, whether you are on YouTube. Instagram, Tiktok, or Facebook, following this will help what content you're going to release to your audience.

Hero: These are essentially your backbone in helping you obtain maximum exposure to your channel. These videos should be well thought out, focusing on relatable things, elicit strong emotion and capitalize on trending topics.

TIP: You can use a site called lsigraph.com to help you find trending topics. Hub: The meat of your channel. These are the videos that have your audience subscribed to your channel in the first place, as you add value to them. These are the ones you create each week, making sure you're consistent and always trying to improve your content each upload.

Help : These videos help you with SEO in the long term, capitalizing on the "how-to" keyword for your videos.

Master this framework each day so that you understand which video you are uploading fits in what section of the H's.

It'd be wise to create 1 hero and 2 helps monthly while the rest are your hub videos.

Remember, YouTube isn't a quick magic pill - this will take time.


Streamer: I want to become a full-time Twitch streamer.

Redmon: That's awesome. Seeing you're a new kid on the block, do you plan how you will be growing your streams?

Streamer: I plan to stream around 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week.

Above is a common question I get from aspiring streamers, even streamers who aren't big just yet have no idea why their streams aren't growing six months in.

Here are my thoughts...

If your goal is to become a full-time streamer, you will have a hard time growing on Twitch instead of YouTube or Facebook.

Why? 😯